Discover Our Services

It is ranging across multiple platforms and devices, which include digital entertainment, technology solutions, consultations, design, development and support.

TIARA at Your Service

We help you to get started in the business and build your project

International SMS

As the most common and humble form of digital communication globally, SMS Messaging has the power to transform the relationship between customers and a brand. This service powers your business to connect with a large mass audience, they will get informed with automated personalized messages from alerts, promotional messages, notifications, news, polling updates, banking updates to flight alerts.

Network Mobile Advertising Monetization

Mobile ad networks can help you reach the most highly engaged mobile audiences. Our technology driven monetization network combined with big data analytics and machine learning algorithms have created a revolutionary platform delivering high impact monetization solutions for your business to scale with mobile audiences, staying ahead of the competition.

End to End Mobile Application Platform

End to end sales distribution can help to manage the entire process from generating the leads all the way through closing the sale and following up. The end to end mobile app platform enables your business to connect all sales agent with real-time monitoring system, geo-location, ad-hoc sales event monitoring, identifier features.

Voice API

With today’s various modes of communication through varying platforms and mediums, businesses can still highly benefit from using a Voice API. It allows software developers to easily create voice applications, and gives developers control over what happens in the phone call, as well as the power to actually connect call participants anywhere in the world while diminishing the complexities of doing so.